Healthcare professionals are the backbone of our society. In these tumultuous times, we rely on them to take care of those in need while selflessly putting themselves at risk.
We at Caterpy wanted to help. Shoes and shoelaces rank among the top items to carry germs, and having to touch them less means a safer and more sanitary day. And that means better health, which is what’s at our core.

A major part of our Caterpy Cares mission is to get our laces in the hands of the people that both need and deserve them the most, so we sought out how to donate our product to local healthcare organizations in our hometown of Orlando and beyond.
One of the first opportunities for us to do this was to partner with our friends at Track Shack, who facilitated a tremendous donation and coordinated effort to provide comfy shoes to workers who have served tirelessly on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the AdventHealth Foundation, we were able to distribute 450 pairs of On Running shoes and Caterpy no-tie laces to the medical professionals at AdventHealth Orlando. Thank you to our healthcare heroes for all you do!